Mystic Vibrationz: The Calm

Mystic Vibrationz: The Calm

Last updated: -3

This uplifting video and music track is a great way to start your day. Watch as the birds fly along the coastline of the Sea of Cortez, then the sun setting against the skyline, the desert of Baja, whales swimming in the ocean and stingrays too. This nature footage captures one of the most beautiful locations in the world, with calming and uplifting music that is sure to brighten your day.

Music has the power to make you feel better, more relaxed and less stressed. With such a wide variety of musical styles and instruments from around the world, there is so much to love. Music is a great way to learn about a culture while you are traveling, or you might go to a show or concert to broaden your musical horizons. Music makes you feel good and the benefits of music are many. Music calms and soothes when you are anxious or sad. It motivates and energizes when you are in need of some incentive. Music is a great tool for distraction and redirecting your focus, and it educates and opens your mind to the common human experience, history, and hope for the future.

You can listen to The Calm music track whatever you are doing, it can be present in the background or the foreground. You might listen to it while you are in the car, or play the music softly in the background as a great compliment to reading or studying. The beauty of music is that it floods the brain with a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain that is associated with pleasure, motivation, and reward. The great thing about this music track is that you can also enjoy the Sea of Cortez video while you listen to it, and when you are not watching the video you can visualize all the beautiful scenery that you've seen.

The perfect powerful and uplifting pick-me-up to welcome fresh positive vibes into your life. The relaxing yet uplifting melody of the strings and piano will bring you that extra energy you need to set your mind on a positive track so you can go out into the world feeling positive and happy. Set to some beautiful drone footage over the sea of Cortez and the deserts of Baja allowing you to take a mini-vacation and uplift your entire mood, all from the comfort of home. Wake up your positive mindset and start out your day on the right track with a relaxed and joyful mindset.

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